Kontakt techniczny

Czy masz zapytanie techniczne? Skontaktuj się z nami.   Cieszymy się, że możemy być do Twojej dyspozycji.

Wskazówka: Konsultanci ds. zastosowań KTR są odpowiednimi osobami do rozmowy w przypadku wszelkich pytań dotyczących szczegółów technicznych i innych kwestii związanych z produktem. 
Planujesz swój kolejny projekt? Jesteśmy do dyspozycji i wspólnie z znajdziemy najlepsze rozwiązanie.   

Wystarczy wybrać żądany produkt, a zostaną wyświetlone dane kontaktowe odpowiedniej osoby.

Kontakty techniczne

Drive technology

Stefan Ahlert
Technical support for flexible jaw couplings and pin & bush couplings

Drive technology

Reiner Banemann
Product manager steel lamina couplings

Hydraulic components

Christoph Bettmer
Product Manager hydraulic components

Michael Brüning

Drive technology

Michael Brüning
Product manager elastic jaw and pin and bush couplings

Hydraulic components

Horst Bruns
Product manager steel tanks

Drive technology

Johannes Deister
Product manager backlash-free servo couplings

Cooling systems

Joachim Grunwald
Product manager combined coolers

Drive technology

Andreas Hücker
Product manager

Drive technology

Philipp Johannes
Technical support clamping elements (CLAMPEX) and KTR Precision Joints

Drive technology

Dirk Kohls
Product manager torque limiters

Drive technology

Jürgen Kösters
Product manager torque sensors

Brake systems

Fabian Liekam
Product manager hydraulic and electromechanical brake systems

Drive technology

Verena Ostermann
Product manager highly elastic couplings

Drive technology

Ansgar Silies
Product manager all-steel gear couplings

Cooling systems

Hendrik Stroet
Product Manager OAC coolers

Drive technology

Marco Vorholt
Product manager magnetic couplings

Placeholder Contact

Drive technology

All-steel gear couplings

Placeholder Contact

Drive technology

Torque measuring technology

Placeholder Contact

Drive technology

Gear couplings and flange couplings

Placeholder Contact

Cooling systems

Combined coolers

Placeholder Contact

Cooling systems

Oil/air coolers

Placeholder Contact

Hydraulic components

Steel tanks

Placeholder Contact

Hydraulic components

Hydraulic components

Placeholder Contact

Drive technology

Magnetic couplings

Placeholder Contact

Drive technology

Highly flexible couplings

Placeholder Contact

Brake systems

Hydraulic and electromechanical brake systems

Placeholder Contact

Drive technology

Backlash-free servo couplings

Placeholder Contact

Drive technology

Torque limiters

Placeholder Contact

Drive technology

Steel lamina couplings

Placeholder Contact

Drive technology

Elastic jaw and pin and bush couplings

Placeholder Contact

Drive technology

Fluid couplings

Placeholder Contact

Brake systems


Robin Kramer

Robin Kramer
Product manager POLY-NORM M

Placeholder Contact

Marcel Schmidt
Technical support for fluid couplings